Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 update

Today Mom and I learned all about genes. We went to Indy today to have my genetic counseling session. Being the perpetual early people we are, we arrived 1 hour early.  After a nice wait, they explained to us why it was important to find out if I have the breast cancer gene. It's mainly because I am so young and finding out if I have it will determine my treatment. Also, having the breast cancer gene also increases your risk of ovarian cancer. Already having had one ovary removed, this would be good for me to know. They then took down all the information about my family tree. I honestly had flashbacks of high school biology. :)

After they were done with the counseling session, they asked me if I wanted to go ahead and take the test. Because of the reasons above and the fact that there are some unknown branches on my family tree, I decided to go ahead and take it. I had the choice of having a blood test or a swab of my mouth. I asked if one was more effective than the other and they said both were effective. So I opted for the mouth swab. (I didn't want to get stuck again). So I had to swish Scope in my mouth and spit it in a tube. You don't know how hard that is to do when your mother is sitting right next to you giggling. :)

So as long as the insurance pays for the test, I will find out the results in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.

I do encourage anybody reading this, if you have children, gather your family's medical history.  And if you have elderly parents or grandparents, get them to tell you what they know.  I know Mom always said her mother always told her that people never talked about that kind of thing.   Well, I am speaking from experience, it is important to know.

After we were done, we stopped in Tipton to eat at the Pizza Shack.  While there I noted that gas was $3.58 a gallon.  I should have filled up while I was there.

Next up is the MRI on my skull and spine on Wednesday morning.  Please pray that the test come back to say it's nothing.


  1. I am praying everyday bestie. *hugs*

  2. I was thinking about you when I saw in twitter that you've updated the blog.
    Sending good vibes your way and praying the MRI comes back with nothing. Hugs

    Flavia (flying099)

  3. I think about you every day & send positive thoughts your way. Thanks for posting. I also think that you sharing your story may help others who are facing adversity. Annnddd the spitting comment made me have pervy thoughts & laugh. Hahaha!!!

  4. I am praying hard for you bestie ((hugs))
