Before I begin, I wanted to give a HUGE thank you to my BFF Edie for updating not only my blog, but my Twitter and Facebook accounts while I was down for the count. She is the bestest friend a girl can have. You are the tops my friend. And the passwords will be changed shortly. :)
So buckle your seat belts, it's going to be an exciting ride:
The mastectomy was a success. Needed more than tylenol right after surgery. No new cancer found. No cancer in the lymph node. Praising God for that. Drains SUCK. So do physical therapy exercises. Moral support was outstanding. Mothers love to give daughters cleaning advice while they are staying with them. Daughter is going to get with the Son to make sure his barn is ready for Mother when the time comes. Dr. Schmidt was downright giddy. Got to go back to work 2 1/2 weeks after my surgery. A week after that, started preparing for radiation. Feel like I have The Avengers taking care of my treatment. Now have a road map where my boob used to be.
That brings us to this past week. I started radiation last Monday. I will have 33 treatments total and I go Monday through Friday. So I have 5 of those down already. Woo hoo! I will say this, radiation is a BREEZE compared to chemo. The only side effect is fatigue. And that will probably get worse. (Although Mom keeps tell me I have always been sleepy)
I also saw Dr. Gupta on Monday. He started me on Tamoxifen. I have to take this because my cancer feeds off of estrogen. Chemo started me on menopause, Tamoxifen will push me over the edge. I told my male co-workers about this on Wednesday. I do believe they are scared of me now. :D
Keep those prayers and positive vibes a coming. This cancer is well on it's way to getting kicked to the curb.